23 Feb 2011

Miley Went Bowling With Nick Jonas?!

There's alot of rumours flying around regarding Miley and Nick bowling, so just trying to clear things up.
According to several witnesses Miley was spotted bowling at Pickwick on Sunday evening with Nick Jonas.
All of them say they were there around 11:00pm with Big Rob, who refused to let anyone take any pics of them together.
The guy got the fan picture with Miley and said that Nick was there too, but didn't say hello.
All of them have similar stories, so as far as I'm concerned, this is true. I don't see any reason for a grown man to lie about it.
And before those rumors start,
this by no means, means they're dating. Let's just enjoy them being friends :)


  1. Doesn't look like Nick. She was seen with someone else that night. It's amazing how someone can get a picture of Miley but not the two of them. Nick has never been shy about having his picture taken at the bowling alley. Also amazing that someone can make something up and people on twitter spread it likes it's truth.

  2. How can so many people see Miley and Nick and not take a picture, even from far away and zoom in? This is like the rumor they went to the Village Idiot that time at night that was a lie too. I won't believe it unless I see a picture.

  3. @carolinesunder twitter is less than a day old? Sorry, this Niley rumor didn't happen. They are lying. How can all of them not get 1 picture?

  4. Perhaps they went to a not so popular~ bowling alley to avoid being seen as they knew they drama that would ensue if they were seen together.
    Caroline's twitter was made in 2009 you can check on http://www.whendidyoujointwitter.com/.
    Some people are respectful and don't like to shove their camera's in peoples faces, have you ever been in that situation? It's not as easy as you think.
    Miley was obviously happy to pose with the guy alone, and perhaps the guy didn't want a pic with Nick.
    And most importantly, no-one else has said she was there with anybody else, and I doubt she was alone.

  5. A picture in the distance they couldn't get? I want to believe this, but I can't. not calling you a liar, just the rumor.

  6. PS. someone said Miley was wearing a gray shirt, her shirt is black here.

    Black/gray whatever. The pictures colours are edited. It's more gray in candids tbh.

  8. Sorry, I don't believe this guy. Why would he not take a picture of Nick or Nick and Miley bowling or just one picture on the way out. Does this guy know what Nick Jonas looks like? Maybe he doesn't and thinks Josh was Nick.

  9. Perhaps he isn't a fan of Nick, or care to have a pic to show off to his mates like he can with a pic of Miley. And most likely doesn't care about "Niley" or know anything about it to think to take a picture.

  10. http://twitter.com/johnhaley went private. knew it was too good to be true.

  11. Maybe to keep pyschos like you out of it.

  12. YoCaroline just posted a picture of Nick she said that was from Sunday that was actually from December. So the Niley bowling is a lie. http://twitpic.com/43nomw http://www.oceanup.com/node/22216
