Miley on set of So Undercover in Nola yesterday (Jan 30th) with her short hair again. Also above, Miley posed with a young fan on set (Jan 29th) Thanks @MusicalMate & @beautifulballad
Miley performing "I Love Rock 'N' Roll" at the So Undercover wrap party last week. She was joined on stage by co-star Jeremy Pivan who sat in to play drums alongside her.
From Sophie: "I go to Tulane University and Miley Cyrus has been here for the last 4 weeks filming for So Undercover. Today she has been on campus filming some of the final scenes for the movie". Also above are fan pics with Billy Ray, who had joined Miley on set today (Jan 22nd)
Miley uploaded a video on Mileyworld earlier this week from the set of So Undercover.
Miley explains this is her last week and a half left of filming for this film. Miley also talks about the wrap party they had last week and how her and co-star Jeremy Piven got up on stage and played drums alongside her singing 'I Love Rock 'n' Roll'.
Although the film has been a lot of hard work, Miley thinks it's all been worth it."I've had an awesome time shooting this movie," "I'm excited for you guys to see it, really digging it. I wanted to tell you guys I love you ... peace."
Also a video of Jeremy Piven who was interviewed at Sundance, in which he shares his experience of working with Miley and the late night filming they did and states "She's a force".
A webcam in New Orleans caught Miley filming on top of a building for 'So Undercover' on Wednesday.
Miley was on top of the Windsor Court Hotel where she was filming a fight scene, she uses a whip on another cast memeber in the scene, and had to stand on top of a railing (in a harness). Although she doesn't do the stunt, even standing atop of that railing was pretty amazing.
Brandi called Miley last night on Ustream. Can't really make out what she said, but it was nice of her to interrupt her dinner to call back to say hi to everyone.
Miley and the cast of So Undercover attended a wrap party for the film last night (Jan 20th). (Miley at wrap party in top picture) Filming isn't completley finished until end of this month/begining of Feb according to some extras.
According to an extra who attended the party, they all did the “Cupid Shuffle”.
Also a new pic surfaced of the cast of LOL, Miley looks adorable!
Miley was spotted on the set of "So Undercover" filming in New Orleans, Louisiana today (January 16).
Miley was joined by her mom, Tish, who just flew into town after stepping out for a family movie excursion with ex Billy Ray and children Brandi and Braison in Los Angeles on Friday night.
Tonight marks the final episode EVER of Hannah Montana, which you can catch at 6/7 c on Disney Channel. Make sure you tune in to bid farewell to Miley and the cast after 4 unforgettable years. Source
BendyyStrawz: So I got there at like 7:30 and we took a shuttle to the extras tent & sat there for like 45 mins. then we walked to the actual set. The setting was a college frat/sorority party & there was a bunch of spacewalks so look out for that scene in the movie (it's towards the end).
So first I was paired with some guy and we had to walk on the sidewalk back and forth and we did that for like an hour (PS spacewalks are those inflatable bouncy things..) then I got put in the middle of the fair and had to walk back and forth with a bunch of people & I passed the camera like 50 times so I better be in it lol & at that point I think Miley was in front of me but I didn't recognize her. Anyway then I sat down for like an hour waiting for the director to start filming again and they came and reassigned us our places and put me by the "Greek Week" sorority sign in sheet booth and I had to walk from there to the other side of the place.
So I'm standing there and Miley walks right in front of me for the scene :I she was wearing boots, blackish pants, a pink & white flannel shirt with a grey/black leather looking jacket on with long hair. I died a little inside and then we started shooting. I walked literally 3 feet next to her in every take but I couldn't talk to her cause she was talking to the director most of the time in between takes and the only other person I recognized was Denika and I thought about saying hi but she looked pissed and I didn't want to freak her out because it would be pretty weird that I knew who she was lol and we did the scene like 50 times and then it ended.
The scene where I walk right by her is when she's standing behind a spacewalk giving some notebook/laptop looking thing to a guy and then we finished and went back to the tent. back at the tent they had a raffle to win gift cards & a stuffed animal "Crawdaddy" (mascot of the college) signed by Miley & a sweatshirt with the fake school's logo on it and that was signed by Miley....of course I won none of that stuff lol but then we left and that's it. they told us the whole plot & the ending so the movie won't be a surprise for me anymore lol ANYWAY that's it. And they said the actors that had to be there today were Miley & some other guy that plays the FBI agent so i don't think Kelly was there. And on an unimportant note I watched Miley slap some girl's ass in between takes if anyone cares lol. The director said that this movie was the greatest thing that Miley has ever done but I think he was a little biased lol Source (30+pics)
The final episode ever of Hannah Montana airs this Sunday on Disney Channel and Miley will officially leave her alter ego behind. After four seasons, 98 episodes, a full-length movie and a 3-D concert film, Miley will be hanging up her blond wig for good.
So what's next for Miley? As we know she has several movies in the works, LOL with Demi Moore and Ashley Greene, So UnderCover, which is currently being filmed in New Orleans, as well the thriller Wake, based of the book by Lisa McMann, which Miley's name has been dropped into in a recent interview with the director. Even more recent is the news of Rock Mafia's The Big Bang being made into a movie. They recently held a meeting with Miley's mom Tish. Read more about that here.
MTV are also still reporting on the rumored Miley and Nick duet, but we're still unsure about how true that rumor is. Time will tell.